Project update - December 2023
21 December 2023
2023 in review
2023 was another big year for Star of the South and offshore wind in Australia.
Here’s a few of our highlights:
Completing Australia’s first seabed investigations for offshore wind
Speaking with young people about career opportunities in offshore wind at careers fairs
Releasing a Guide for Workers highlighting opportunities to make the move to offshore wind
Promoting Gippsland businesses through our Supplier Showcase
Talking with hundreds of locals and hearing feedback
Studying the marine life in Bass Strait.
Importantly, this year we were able to apply for a Feasibility Licence from the Australian Government to continue developing Star of the South within the declared Gippsland offshore wind area. We hope to learn the outcome of this application soon.
Our key focus for 2024 will be preparing and submitting environmental and planning approval applications. Keep an eye out for opportunities to get involved next year.
Seeing Geelong Port in action
Handling huge turbine components is no small task.
We had a front row seat at Geelong Port as onshore turbine tower sections were unloaded for the Golden Plains Wind Farm, which is now being constructed west of Geelong.
It was great to see the port in action and hear about plans to develop a wind farm hub to service both onshore and offshore wind projects.
We've identified Geelong Port as a potential option to support Star of the South's construction, alongside the Port of Hastings proposed renewable energy terminal – with long-term operations to be based at a local Gippsland port.
Our team at Geelong Port
Victoria’s offshore wind plan continues taking shape
The Victorian Government released a third Offshore Wind Implementation Statement last week, providing an update on their plans to build a local offshore wind industry and secure 2 GW of offshore wind energy by 2032.
The statement covers everything from jobs and protecting the environment, through to ports, transmission and procurement.
Find Implementation Statement 3 here.
Government offshore wind resources
The government agencies responsible for planning and regulating offshore wind in Australia have released resources to help you sort offshore wind facts from fiction:
The Department of Climate Change, Energy the Environment and Water busts some offshore wind myths.
The Offshore Infrastructure Regulator answers some frequently asked questions about the industry.
If your question isn't there, or you'd like to know more about Star of the South, get in touch.
We hope to see you this summer
Over the coming months you’ll find us out and about at:
Seadays Festival, Saturday 6 January 9:30 am – 3:30 pm, Old Ferry Terminal Port Welshpool
Foster Show, Saturday 24 February from 8:30 am, Foster Showgrounds.
Our Gippsland office closes for the year on Wednesday 20 December and reopens Wednesday 3 January.
To find out more and see all events head to Get Involved.
Happy holidays
As we near the end of another busy year working to bring offshore wind to Gippsland, we would like to thank you for taking an interest in Star of the South.
From all of us, we wish you a very happy and safe Christmas and new year.
We look forward to connecting again and continuing the conversation in 2024.