Project update - April 2024
29 April 2024
Have your say on draft offshore renewables regulations
Draft regulations for offshore renewables projects have been released for consultation by the Australian Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water.
The regulations set out how the offshore wind industry will be regulated in Australia, covering:
management plans
design notification scheme
financial securities
safety and protection zones
work health and safety
record keeping
We're reviewing the draft regulations in detail and will provide feedback through the formal government consultation process. You can too, by submitting feedback by 11:59 pm on 12 May 2024.
Listening to fishers
Our Fishing Liaison Officer Lachlan works with fishers - sharing project information, listening to feedback and answering questions - with the goal of planning an offshore wind project that can safely share the waters with others, including recreational fishing and boating.
Over the past few months, he’s spoken with more than 150 people at local boat ramps about fishing and offshore wind.
The top questions he heard were:
Q. Can I fish in the wind farm? A. Yes, offshore wind and recreational fishing can work well together. Turbine foundations can even create new habitat and attract fish. There'd be around 1 km between turbines, with plenty of space to safely navigate in and around the wind farm.
Q. How close can I get to the turbines? A. A safety buffer will be needed around turbines to keep people safe and prevent damage. We’re listening to feedback about how large this buffer should be to ensure safety while still allowing fishing close to structure.
Q. Will the area be closed off during construction? A. For everyone’s safety we'll ask that people keep clear of construction areas – just as you’d do with a construction site on land.
If you fish in the area and haven’t spoken to Lachlan, tell us about your fishing in Bass Strait by completing an online survey before Sunday 5 May or call 1800 340 340 to arrange a phone call or meeting with Lachlan.
Lachlan talks with a fisher at Port Welshpool
Catch us out and about
Over the coming months you’ll find us at:
South Gippsland Jobs Expo, Leongatha Memorial Hall, Thursday 2 May 9:30 am – 2:30 pm
Trades and Tech Fit Expo, Melbourne Exhibition Centre, 8 - 9 May
Fish Creek Tea Cosy Festival market, Village Green, Saturday 25 May 10 am – 3 pm
Emerging Industries Careers Expo, Riviera Christian Centre (schools only), Wednesday 29 May 9:30 am – 2 pm
Yarram Community Market, Anglican Hall, Saturday 8 June 8:30 am – 12:30 pm
South Gippsland Bass Coast LLEN Careers Expo (schools only), Korrumburra Indoor Recreation Centre, Tuesday 18 June 9:30 am – 2 pm.
You can contact us anytime on 1800 340 340, or by visiting our Gippsland office – open Tuesdays and Wednesdays 9 am - 5 pm or by appointment.
Community Advisory Group update
Our Community Advisory Group has been an important point of connection between the project and the Gippsland community since 2020 and provides a forum for learning and sharing information.
The group met in Sale this month. Key topics on the agenda were:
Guest speakers from VicGrid gave an update on transmission planning in Gippsland and answered questions from the group
Group members Darren and Glen shared what they learned about offshore wind and how it shapes regional communities and industries on a study tour to Germany
A project update from our team.
Thank you to all group members for their ongoing engagement and commitment, and a special shout-out to Allan who has attended all 25 meetings held to date!
You can find all Community Advisory Group meeting minutes, agendas and presentations on our website. Visit the VicGrid website for information about transmission planning in Gippsland.
Danny (left) and Nishana (right) from VicGrid joined the Community Advisory Group in Sale - pictured with Chair Ian Gibson (centre)
Made in Gippsland – Bambach Wires and Cables
Did you know that one of Australia's leading low voltage cable manufacturers, Bambach Wires and Cables, is based in Rosedale!
We recently visited their manufacturing facility to learn more about what they do.
Bambach employs around 60 locals and supplies cables to the defence, rail, machine and building industries. This is a great Gippsland success story and one example of a local business that could play a role in Australia's offshore wind industry.
Bambach are featured on page 41 of our Offshore Wind Supplier Showcase.
We look forward to continuing discussions with Managing Director Alf and the team.
If you’re a local business interested in supplying Star of the South, register on our ICN Gateway to stay up to date.
Our Industry Development and Procurement Manager Katrina (right) with Bambach Managing Director Alf (left)
Witnessing offshore wind progress in the US
To get a glimpse of what Gippsland will experience in coming years, our Chief Development Officer, Erin, and Senior Commercial Manager, Lucas, recently spent time in Massachusetts with colleagues at Vineyard Offshore.
Vineyard Wind 1 is now under construction. This trip was an opportunity to hear about learnings, challenges and opportunities in the construction phase and gain insight into the more advanced offshore wind industry in the U.S.
Erin’s key take out from the trip is that resilience and positive momentum is key.
“We’re developing projects with very long lead times in new markets. The economic opportunity from offshore wind is huge, with many jobs being created in the United States, so there are benefits for countries that can work through challenges and get projects into construction.
“It was encouraging to see Vineyard Wind’s construction well underway and the next pipeline of projects coming through – we can’t wait to see this happening in Australia.”
We’ll continue to tap into knowledge from our global team as we work towards building an industry here at home.
Erin at Vineyard Wind’s office (left) and the Port of New Bedford (right)